Mission & Vision Statements

Our Mission

The Vancouver Humane Society is dedicated to exposing animal abuse and assisting individuals, businesses and governments to end animal suffering, cruelty and exploitation.

Our Vision

The Vancouver Humane Society envisions a future in which humanity recognizes and respects the inherent rights and needs of all animals – a society in which all animal cruelty is unacceptable and animal protection is valued and acted upon by the public and its policy makers.


Our Strategic Plan

The Board of Directors approved our strategic priorities between 2019-2023. Read our strategic plan.

Policy on Fundraising

The Vancouver Humane Society has never and never will use expensive external fundraising companies like telemarketers. Our Board has consistently considered this to be unethical and misleading to our donors. Your donation to our McVitie Fund (which will be doubled by a generous donor) goes 100% to direct animal care!

two-person-with-rings-on-ring-fingers- and dog, all putting hands/paw together